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15 days Cambodia itinerary | 2 weeks travel route

Can you imagine exploring the hidden treasures of Cambodia for 15 days? In this exciting itinerary, I will take you through the most fascinating places in this beautiful country in Southeast Asia. From the stunning temples of Siem Reap to the bustling city of Phnom Penh, and from the heavenly beaches of Koh Rong to the serene landscapes of Kampot and Kampong Cham, every day will be a new adventure. Prepare to be immersed in Cambodia’s rich culture, fascinating history, and natural beauty. Let’s get started!

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Here is what you will find:

2-week route through Cambodia

In this 15-day itinerary through Cambodia you will find an organized route day by day, including the best places to visit and transportation from one town to another.

Day 1-3: Siem Reap – Ancient Temples and Mysteries

Siem Reap is the gateway to the impressive Temples of Angkor, one of the world’s greatest archaeological treasures. Spend your first few days exploring iconic temples like Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, and Ta Prohm. Immerse yourself in the history and architectural beauty of these ancient sites. Also, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the lively nightlife and try the delicious local cuisine.

Transportation: From Siem Reap International Airport, you can take a taxi or tuk-tuk to your accommodation. To move between the temples, you can rent a bicycle or hire the services of a tuk-tuk.

Day 4-5: Battambang – Art, History and Picturesque Landscapes

Head west to discover the charming city of Battambang. This city is known for its art scene and fascinating historical sites. Explore the Battambang Museum to learn about the history of the region, and visit the iconic Bamboo Train. Enjoy a boat ride on the Sangker River to appreciate the beautiful natural landscapes that surround the city.

Transportation: From Siem Reap, you can take a bus or taxi to Battambang, which usually takes about 3-4 hours.

Day 6-8: Phnom Penh – Vibrant History and Culture

Travel to the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, where fascinating experiences await you. Explore the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, immerse yourself in the country’s history at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, and visit the Choeung Ek killing fields. Stroll through the lively central market and enjoy the city’s vibrant food scene.

Transportation: From Battambang, you can take a bus or taxi to Phnom Penh, which takes approximately 5-6 hours.

Day 9-11: Koh Rong – Paradise Beaches and Turquoise Waters

Time to relax and enjoy paradise on the island of Koh Rong. Immerse yourself in its crystal clear waters, relax on the white sand beaches and explore the incredible marine life while you snorkel or scuba dive. Enjoy the beautiful sunsets and the serenity of this true tropical oasis.

Transport: From Phnom Penh, you can take a bus or taxi to Sihanoukville and then a ferry to Koh Rong. The total trip can last around 4-6 hours.

Day 12-13: Kampot – Serene Landscapes and Culinary Experiences

Head south until you reach the charming town of Kampot, famous for its serene landscapes and delicious pepper. Explore the Kampot River on a relaxing boat ride, visit pepper plantations, and enjoy the amazing local cuisine. Don’t miss the chance to try the famous Kampot pepper crab dish.

Transport: From Koh Rong, you can take a ferry back to Sihanoukville and then take a bus or taxi to Kampot, which takes about 3-4 hours in total.

Day 14-15: Kampong Cham and Kratie – Rural Charm and Irrawaddy Dolphin Watching

End your itinerary by exploring the charming towns of Kampong Cham and Kratie. Discover Cambodian rural life as you trek through the fields and visit historic temples. In Kratie, you will have the chance to go on an unforgettable Irrawaddy dolphin sighting in the Mekong River.

Transportation: From Kampot, you can take a bus or taxi to Kampong Cham and then continue to Kratie. The total trip can take around 5-6 hours.

Conclusion: Congratulations! You have completed a 15-day itinerary through Cambodia, discovering the most fascinating and varied destinations that this country has to offer. From the majesty of the temples of Siem Reap to the natural beauty of Koh Rong and the enchanting landscapes of Kampot and Kampong Cham, you have experienced the diversity and cultural richness of Cambodia. We hope this itinerary has inspired you to plan your own trip and make the most of your 15 days in this wonderful country.

Always remember to respect the culture and the natural environment during your trip. Enjoy every moment and create unforgettable memories in Cambodia!

Important Note: Before you travel, be sure to check the visa restrictions and requirements needed to enter Cambodia. Also, check for updates on transportation and security at each destination mentioned in this itinerary.

Happy traveling to Cambodia!

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