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Best places to visit and things to do in Flores Island (Indonesia)

Explora la espectacular isla de Flores en Indonesia y sumérgete en un destino lleno de sorpresas. Desde paisajes impresionantes hasta culturas fascinantes, Flores ofrece una experiencia inolvidable para los amantes de la aventura y la belleza natural. En este artículo, descubriremos qué hacer y ver en Flores, asegurando que no te pierdas ninguna de las maravillas que este lugar tiene para ofrecer.

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What to see and do in Flores (Indonesia)

Discover the wonders of Flores, a captivating island in Indonesia. With its rich culture, breathtaking landscapes, and exciting adventures, Flores offers a wide range of activities for everyone.

Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park is made up of 3 islands: e Komodo, Rinca and Padar. It is the ideal place to observe the famous Komodo dragons. Here’s what you can do in the park:

Komodo Dragons

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Komodo dragons, the largest creatures on the planet. Admire their grandeur and discover their unique behaviors as you walk through their natural habitat.

Diving and snorkeling in crystal clear waters

Dive into the crystal clear waters surrounding Komodo National Park and discover an underwater paradise. Explore the vibrant coral reefs, home to a great diversity of marine species. These are the main snorkeling and scuba diving spots in the park:

Pink Beach

Dive into the turquoise waters of Pink Beach and discover an underwater world full of life and color. Kit out your snorkel gear and explore the vibrant coral reefs that are home to a wide variety of tropical fish. Let yourself be captivated by the beauty of this unique environment while enjoying the serenity of the ocean.

Taka Makassar Island

Head to the stunning Taka Makassar Island, famous for its crystal clear waters and abundance of marine life. Immerse yourself in these waters and enjoy the snorkeling experience surrounded by brightly colored tropical fish and exuberant corals. Let yourself be amazed by the underwater beauty of this paradisiacal island.

Blanket Point

Get ready for an unforgettable encounter with majestic manta rays at Manta Point. Snorkel in these waters and get a close look at these graceful sea creatures as they swim around you. Enjoy the thrill of interacting with these fascinating animals and capture unique memories in your underwater photos.

Kanawa Island

Explore the crystal clear waters around beautiful Kanawa Island and discover an underwater world full of wonders. Equip yourself with your snorkel mask and tube and admire the diversity of corals and tropical fish that inhabit this area. Go with the flow as you discover an underwater paradise in Kanawa.

Hiking on Rinca and Padar Islands

Embark on an exciting hike around the island of Rinca and Padar, part of the Komodo National Park. Cross breathtaking landscapes and admire the local flora and fauna. Get the chance to meet Komodo dragons in their natural environment.

Visit the islands in the area

Embark on a boat adventure and explore the remote islands that surround Komodo National Park. Discover hidden beaches, towering cliffs and mysterious caves as you sail through crystal clear waters. Enjoy the feeling of freedom and discovery in this remote paradise.

The most popular islands are: Kelor Island, Kalong, Padar, Rinca, Komodo, Taka Makasar, Siaba and Kanawa.

Visit the Traditional Villages

Visit the authentic traditional villages of Flores and immerse yourself in the rich local culture. Learn about the traditions, crafts and lifestyle of indigenous communities.

Wae Rebo Village

Enter the Wae Rebo Village, a cultural treasure hidden high in the mountains of Flores. With its title of “Village of the Cone Houses”, Wae Rebo transports you to a traditional and enchanting world. Its traditional houses, known as Mbaru Niang, stand tall and offer a unique insight into local architecture. Here, you will be able to immerse yourself in the traditional customs and rituals of the Manggarai community. The hospitality of the local people and the impressive panoramic views make Wae Rebo a must-see destination for those seeking an authentic cultural experience in Flores.

Boawae Town

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Boawae, a charming village in Flores. Known for its traditional weavings of vibrant colors and intricate patterns, Boawae is a fascinating destination for art and craft lovers. Stroll through the streets and admire the looms where skilled weavers create true masterpieces. In addition to its textile art, Boawae offers an intimate look at local traditions and rituals, which manifest in festivals and ceremonies. Discover the essence of Floresian culture as you immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the Boawae people.

Bena Town

Embark on a journey into the past as you explore the traditional village of Bena in Flores. Known for its stone houses and its rich cultural heritage, Bena will transport you to an ancient world. The traditional houses with thatched roofs and sacred altars display the traditional architecture of the area and are a living testimony of local history. Immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of the village, where Floresian rituals and traditions come to life. The warm hospitality of the people of Bena will make you feel welcome as you explore this unique cultural treasure in Flores.

Aimere people and arak production

Aimere, a charming village in Flores, is known for its tradition in the production of the famous local drink called arak. Immerse yourself in the world of arak as you explore the artisan distilleries and learn about the fermentation and distillation process. The locals will be happy to share with you their knowledge and experience in the production of this unique drink. In addition to its fame for arak, Aimere offers a picturesque setting with beautiful scenery and a peaceful atmosphere. Enjoy the hospitality of the Aimere people and discover the secrets behind this traditional drink in an authentic setting.

Caves on the island of Flores

The caves of Flores, Indonesia, hide ancient secrets and geological wonders. From the impressive Liang Bua Caves, where Homo floresiensis was discovered, to the enigmatic Batu Cermin Cave, each cave offers a unique experience that will immerse you in the history and natural beauty of the region.

Rangko Cave

Discover Rangko Cave in Flores, located on the north coast of the island, near the town of Labuan Bajo. Upon entering the cave, you are greeted by moss-covered rock walls and an enveloping gloom. The narrow openings will guide you through narrow passages into a fascinating interior.

The ceiling of the cave is adorned with hanging rock formations and stalactites. Natural lighting is poor, but occasionally a ray of light filters through a hole. Bathe in the cool, crystal clear waters of the inner lake, in the calm atmosphere of the cave, creating a feeling of exploration and adventure.

Liang Bua Caves

Another fascinating place to explore is the Liang Bua or Hobbit Caves. Located in the western region of the island, these caves have gained worldwide fame due to the discovery of Homo floresiensis, a species of hominid that inhabited the area thousands of years ago.

It is a cave with a spectacular entrance due to the height of the ceiling and the stalactites that hang from the ceiling. Explore the dark passages and underground chambers as you immerse yourself in the ancient history of the region.

Batu Cermin Cave

Another hidden gem in Flores is the Batu Cermin Cave, also known as “Stone Mirror”. Located near Labuan Bajo, this cave offers a unique experience full of natural wonders.

Upon entering Batu Cermin Cave, you will be greeted by a series of passages and narrow chambers illuminated by natural light. What makes this cave special is the presence of natural mirrors on the walls, which reflect light and create a magical effect inside.

Enjoy the beaches of Flores

The beaches of Flores are a natural paradise that will captivate you. From the pink sands of Pink Beach to the blue rocks of Blue Stone Beach and the serenity of Koka Beach, these beaches offer you breathtaking views and crystal clear waters to enjoy and relax.

Pink Beach: The charm of the pink beach

Immerse yourself in the unique beauty of Pink Beach, a natural jewel located in Flores. Known for its pinkish-hued sand, this beach captivates visitors with its unmatched charm. Relax in the tropical sun while enjoying the crystal clear waters and the gentle sea breeze. The contrast between the vibrant color of the sand and the intense blue of the ocean creates a dream landscape that will leave you speechless. Explore the underwater world during a snorkeling session or simply sit back and admire the serenity of this coastal paradise.

Blue Stone Beach (Pantai Batu Biru)

Enter the amazing scenery of Blue Stone Beach (Pantai Batu Biru), the beach made up of blue stones. Here, you will witness a breathtaking natural spectacle, where blue-hued rocks line the shoreline, creating an otherworldly landscape. Stroll along the beach and admire the diversity of shapes and colors of the rocks, which contrast beautifully with the intense blue of the ocean.

Koka Beach

Immerse yourself in the serenity and beauty of Koka Beach, a picturesque beach located in Flores. With its fine white sand and crystal clear waters, this beach invites you to relax and enjoy the tranquility it offers. Let yourself be captivated by the impressive panoramic views and admire how the turquoise sea merges with the blue sky. You can sunbathe on the beach, take a refreshing swim in the sea or simply walk along the shore and contemplate the majesty of the surrounding nature.

Flores Waterfalls

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Flores waterfalls and enjoy a refreshing dip in their crystal clear waters. Admire the stunning landscapes as you relax surrounded by lush greenery.

Ogi Waterfall

Embark on an adventure to Ogi Waterfall, where nature unfolds in all its splendor. This impressive waterfall is located in Flores and will surprise you with its crystal clear water fall surrounded by exuberant vegetation. Immerse yourself in its refreshing natural pools and enjoy the calm and serene environment that surrounds it. Ogi Waterfall gives you the opportunity to connect with nature and experience the grandeur of a waterfall in an impressive natural environment.

Cunca Wulang

Explore the natural wonder of Cunca Wulang, an impressive waterfall located in Flores. With its main waterfall and numerous waterfalls, Cunca Wulang offers you a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. Immerse yourself in the natural pools of crystal clear water and let yourself be captivated by the beauty of the surroundings, with exuberant vegetation and rocky cliffs. Whether swimming, enjoying a picnic by the water, or simply admiring the grandeur of the waterfall, Cunca Wulang provides the perfect natural escape in Flores.

Air Terjun Murundao Waterfall

Immerse yourself in the serenity of the Air Terjun Murundao waterfall in Flores. Located in a peaceful and picturesque setting, this waterfall will captivate you with its natural beauty and relaxing atmosphere. Let the sound of falling water surround you while you immerse yourself in its natural pools and connect with the surrounding nature. Air Terjun Murundao invites you to enjoy a moment of tranquility and peace in the midst of an impressive natural environment.

Mengeruda Hot Springs

Discover the relaxing and healing Mengeruda Hot Springs. These natural hot springs come directly from Mount Inelika in Bajawa. The Mengeruda Hot Springs are believed to offer therapeutic properties (particularly for skin problems) and are a perfect place to rejuvenate the body and mind. The water also contains sulfur and other volcanic materials that also have medicinal properties.

Trekking to see the volcanoes

Embark on an exciting adventure as you climb the volcanoes of Flores, take in the magnificent view from the top, and marvel at the stunning colored lakes found in some craters.

Kelimutu volcano

Kelimutu Volcano is located within the Kelimutu National Park in Moni, and is famous for its changing color lakes that sit on top. The shades of the water change due to the minerals present in the lakes and their oxidation state.

Trekking to the top of Kelimutu Volcano is easy and the path is well marked, so you should reach the top without any problems. You can do the excursion with or without a guide as you prefer. This is a very popular and highly recommended experience in Flores.

Wawo Muda Volcano

This is the youngest volcano in the region, which erupted in 2021 in Bajawa. The trail is not difficult and you don’t really need a guide to get to the top. You should make the climb in an hour and 30 minutes.

When you reach the top you will be able to see the different volcano craters. During the rainy season they fill up forming small lakes with reddish tones; although during the season they dry up and you will not be able to appreciate them. Apart from the beautiful views, the path also passes through a coffee plantation.

Mount Inierie

Embark on an exciting trekking adventure to the towering of the highest volcano in Flores, Mount Inierie. As you get closer to the summit, you will be rewarded with a spectacular view of the island and its surroundings.

It can be a challenge since the climb is quite steep and the path is full of volcanic rocks. You should reach the top in about 3 hours. I recommend you go with a guide since the path is not entirely well marked and the terrain is complicated.

17 Islands National Park

Located on the picturesque north coast of the island, this park is a true natural treasure. With an archipelago made up of 20 impressive islands, it gives you the opportunity to explore a tropical paradise. Its white sand beaches, crystal clear waters and vibrant coral reefs are a delight for lovers of diving and snorkeling. In addition, its exuberant vegetation and panoramic views invite you to discover the untamed beauty of the region. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this unique place and marvel at the diversity of flora and fauna that it houses.

Cancar Rice Fields

These fascinating rice terraces, known as “Spiderweb Ricefield Cancar”, offer a unique visual spectacle. Its intricate and symmetrical design resembles a giant spider web, creating a captivating landscape. These rice paddies are cultivated by the local community using traditional techniques, and represent an ancestral way of life.

In addition to its scenic beauty, the Cancar rice fields also provide a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding hills. Immerse yourself in the culture and natural beauty of Flores as you admire this one-of-a-kind agricultural wonder.

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