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Best places to see and things to do in Hué

Are you planning to visit Hué and don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, you are in the right place! In this complete guide we will show you everything you should do and see in Hué so that you can enjoy your trip to the fullest. Hué is a city located in the center of Vietnam, famous for its historical and cultural heritage. If you are passionate about history, architecture and gastronomy, Hué is the perfect destination for you. Are you ready to start? Come on!

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Here is what you will find:

The historical places that you cannot miss

Hué is known as the city of emperors and was the capital of Vietnam during the Nguyen dynasty. Therefore, it is a city rich in history and cultural heritage. Some of the historical places that you cannot miss in Hué are:

The Imperial Citadel

The Imperial Citadel is a complex of palaces, temples and walls surrounded by a moat and is located in the heart of Hué. It was the seat of the Nguyen Emperors for over 100 years and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here you will be able to explore the different palaces, temples and gardens that make up the citadel and learn about the rich history behind each of them.

The Tomb of Minh Mang

The Minh Mang Tomb is a mausoleum located about 12 km from the center of Hué, built to honor the second emperor of the Nguyen dynasty. This place is known for its impressive architecture and beautiful gardens, which are designed in perfect harmony with the surrounding natural landscape.

Khai Dinh Tomb

Khai Dinh Tomb is a monument built in honor of the penultimate emperor of the Nguyen dynasty. It is located about 10 km south of Hué and is known for its unique architecture, which combines elements of Vietnamese and European culture. In addition, you will be able to enjoy impressive views of the city and the surroundings from the top of the hill on which it is located.

The most outstanding temples and pagodas

Hué is a city with a large religious presence, so you cannot miss its impressive temples and pagodas. Some of the most prominent are:

Thien Mu Pagoda

The Thien Mu Pagoda is one of the most emblematic places in Hué. It is located on the banks of the Perfume River and is known for its impressive seven-story tower, which can be seen from anywhere in the city. Here you can enjoy a beautiful view of the Perfume River and relax in the peaceful atmosphere of the pagoda.

Hon Chen Temple

Hon Chen Temple is a temple dedicated to the goddess Thien Y A Na and stands on a hill near Thien Mu Pagoda.

This temple is known for its impressive architecture and beautiful gardens, and is a perfect place for those seeking a moment of peace and quiet.

The Temple of Tu Hieu

The Tu Hieu Temple is a Buddhist temple located on the outskirts of Hué, surrounded by a beautiful forest and gardens. This temple was founded in the 18th century and is known for its beautiful architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Here you can enjoy the serenity of the temple and learn about the Buddhist culture and religion.

The gastronomy of Hué: Don’t miss it!

Gastronomy is an important part of Vietnamese culture and in Hué you will be able to try some delicious and unique dishes. Some of the most famous dishes in Hué are:

Bun Bo Hue

Bun Bo Hue is a rice noodle soup with beef and pork, originally from Hué. It is a spicy and aromatic soup, with a unique flavor that you cannot find anywhere else in Vietnam.

Banh Beo

Banh Beo is a steamed rice snack dish topped with dried shrimp and green onion. It is a typical Hué dish and is perfect for those who are looking for a quick and delicious snack.

Banh Khoai

Banh Khoai is a kind of crepe made with rice flour and filled with pork, shrimp and bean sprouts. It is a popular dish in Hué and is perfect for those looking for something more substantial.

What to see in Hué at night?

Hué is a city that does not go to sleep early and there are many activities that you can do at night. Some of the things you can’t miss are:

The Dong Ba Night Market

Dong Ba Night Market is a place where you can enjoy local cuisine and shop for unique souvenirs. This market is a very lively and colorful place, where you can find all kinds of Vietnamese food, from noodle soup to meat skewers. You will also be able to find unique souvenirs from Hué, such as traditional Vietnamese clothing and souvenirs.

The light show on the Perfume River

The Perfume River is one of the most emblematic places in Hué and at night you can enjoy a beautiful light show on the river. This light show is an impressive spectacle and is perfect for those looking for a moment of relaxation and tranquility.

Is it SAFE to travel to Vietnam?

If you’re considering traveling to Vietnam, it’s important to be aware of certain risks to ensure your safety. Additionally, as with any trip, I highly recommend obtaining a reliable TRAVEL INSURANCE (👉5% off) that provides coverage for any unexpected situations abroad.

While Vietnam is generally a safe country, theft is common in larger cities, public transportation, crowded markets, and tourist areas. Taking necessary precautions and staying vigilant can help minimize any potential risks.

It’s recommended to ask for the price before buying anything and negotiate if necessary since it’s common to be charged higher prices for taxis, souvenirs, products, or services, especially in the more touristy areas of Vietnam, if you’re a foreigner.

In addition, some areas of Vietnam, especially in the central region and near the border with Laos, have landmines that can pose a danger to travelers. If you plan to visit these places, it’s important to inform yourself in advance about the mined areas and follow the recommendations of local authorities.

Safety for Women

I spent a year and a half traveling in Vietnam and never encountered any truly unpleasant situations. It’s common for men to want to take pictures with you or even blatantly put their phone in front of your face and record videos.

That being said, Vietnam is not free from sexual assaults, verbal harassment, or unwanted groping. I recommend that you:

  • Be cautious at night, especially if you plan to drink at a bar (which is not advisable).
  • Use Grab to move around safely at night and always avoid taxis and motorbikes you find on the street.
  • If you become a victim of sexual assault, seek immediate medical assistance, contact the local police, your embassy, and make sure to file a report.
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