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Which is the best international travel eSIM? Holafly vs. Sim Local | Comparison with discounts

Planning a trip and want to stay connected while abroad? For easy and convenient international internet access, I recommend Holafly and Sim Local. Both offer a wide selection of travel eSIMs, have years of experience, and deliver high-quality service.

In this article, you’ll find a detailed comparison of Holafly and Sim Local, including pricing, eSIM features, and other important details to help you choose the best option for your trip.

Here is what you will find:

Travel eSIMs Comparison: Holafly vs. Sim Local

Holafly and SimLocal both offer travel eSIMs, but their products are different. This chart will help you choose the data package that best fits your needs.

Best travel eSIMHolaflySim Local
Blog discountClaim your 5% discount here
Claim your 10% discount here with the code LOSTWAY at checkout
Key features (+info)Unlimited data in most countries.
– Perfect if you want to avoid using public networks.
– Browse social media and watch movies/series without any worries.
-Sim Local offers affordable options.
-A great choice for long trips.
-Several packages with different data amounts for each destination.
Where do they offer data plans?They offer data plans in more than 200 destinations around the world.They offer data plans in more than 170 countries around the world.
Is data tethering available? (+ info)Available in many countries, though the amount of data you can share is usually limited.
How can I check if data sharing is available?
Available in most countries.
How can I check if data sharing is available?
Can I get a refund? (+info)YesYes
Do they offer regional plans? Europe, Asia, Latin America, etc. (+info)Yes, and they even have global plans.Yes, and they even have global plans.
Works with both Android and iPhone?YesYes
Can you top up the eSIM?(+info)Yes, this way, you won’t need to buy a new one.Yes, this way, you won’t need to buy a new one.
Do they offer customer service in English?YesYes
Is it an experienced company that provides quality service?Yes, Holafly was founded in 2017 and has a 4.6/5 rating on TrustpilotYes, Sim Local was founded in 2011 and has a 4.8/5 rating on Trustpilot
Get an Holalfly eSIM (5% off)
Get a SIM Local eSIM – 10% off with the code LOSTWAY
Comparison of International Travel eSIMs: Holafly vs. Sim Local

Prices by COUNTRY

There are MANY MORE COUNTRIES AVAILABLE for both companies. In the table, you’ll find examples of prices for some of the most popular destinations (United States, Japan, Mexico, Spain, China, Morocco, and Colombia).

They also offer plans by regions, so if you’re traveling through areas like Asia, Europe, or South America, be sure to check the pricing chart for regions.

Discounted pricesHOLAFLY
Coupon 5%: LOSTWAY
Coupon 10%: LOSTWAY
United StatesUnlimited internet (you can share up to 1GB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
You can share data on most plans for the USA.
7 days: $3.60 (1GB)
30 days: $8.55 (3GB)
30 days: $12.60 (5GB)
30 days: $22 (10GB)
30 days: $47.70 (20GB)
15 days: $43.20 (Unlimited)
See all options (-10%)
JapanUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
You can share data on most plans for Japan.
7 days: $4.50 (1GB)
30 days: $8.10 (3GB)
30 days: $11.25 (5GB)
30 days: $17.10 (10GB)
30 days: $24.75 (20GB)
See all options (-10%)
MexicoUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
You can share data on most plans for Mexico.
7 days: $5.40 (1GB)
30 days: $14 (3GB)
30 days: $24.75 (5GB)
30 days: $50 (10GB)
15 days: $68 (unlimited)
See all options (-10%)
SpainUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
You can share data on most plans for Spain.
7 days: $3.60 (1GB)
30 days: $6.75 (3GB)
30 days: $9 (5GB)
30 days: $13.50 (10GB)
30 days: $19.80 (20GB)
See all options (-10%)
ChinaUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
You can share data on most plans for China.
7 days: $4.50 (1GB)
30 days: $9.45 (3GB)
30 days: $14.40 (5GB)
30 days: $23.85 (10GB)
30 days: $41.85 (20GB)
See all options (-10%)
MoroccoUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $28.40
7 days: $35.05
10 days: $37.90
14 days: $46.45
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
You can share data on most plans for Morocco.
7 days: $6.75 (1GB)
30 days: $17.55 (3GB)
30 days: $26.55 (5GB)
30 days: $50.90 (10GB)
See all options (-10%)
ColombiaUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $89.20
See all options (-5%)
You can share data on most plans for Colombia.
7 days: $6.30 (1GB)
30 days: $16.65 (3GB)
30 days: $24.75 (5GB)

See all options (-10%)

Prices by REGION

Regional plans are really convenient if you’re traveling through multiple countries. This way, you won’t need to buy or install several eSIMs, and you won’t have to switch eSIMs every time you enter a new country.

Keep in mind that THERE ARE MORE REGIONS AVAILABLE for both companies. In the chart, you’ll find examples of prices for some of these regions (Asia, Europe, the UK, Latin America, Africa, and global).

Both Holafly and SimLocal list all the countries included in each region on their websites. I recommend checking to make sure the countries you’ll be visiting are covered. You can find this information here.

Precios con el descuentoHolaflySim Local
AsiaUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $28.40
7 days: $35.05
10 days: $37.90
14 days: $46.45
30 days: $85.40
See all options (-5%)
14 days: $28.80 (10Gb)

See all options (-10%)
EuropeUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35.05
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
Some plans let you share data.
14 days: $18.22 (12GB)
14 days: $36.22 (30GB)
28 days: $48.15 (70GB)

See all options (-10%)
United KingdomUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $19.85
7 days: $28.40
10 days: $35.05
14 days: $45.50
30 days: $71.15
See all options (-5%)
Some plans let you share data.
30 days: $7.87 (3GB)
30 days: $11.25 (5GB)
30 days: $11.25 (20GB)
30 days: $17.10 (50GB)
15 days: $37.75 (Unlimited)
See all options (-10%)
Latin AmericaUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $30.30
7 days: $37.90
10 days: $48.35
14 days: $57.85
30 days: $93.95
See all options (-5%)
eSIM for South America:
14 days: $28.80 (10Gb)

eSIM for the Caribbean:
30 days: $27 (5Gb)
30 days: $36,90 (10Gb)

See all options (-10%)
AfricaUnlimited internet (you can share up to 500MB per day with other devices)
5 days: $35.05
7 days: $40.75
10 days: $50.25
14 days: $71.15
20 days: $101.55
See all options (-5%)
14 days: $28.80 (10Gb)

See all options (-10%)
GlobalUnlimited internet (you can share up to 1GB per day with other devices)
5 days: $36
7 days: $43.60
10 days: $61.65
14 days: $86.35
30 days: $154.75
See all options (-5%)
14 days: $28.80 (10Gb)

See all options (-10%)
eSIM Price Comparison by Region: Holafly vs. Sim Local

KEY FEATURES of Holafly and Sim Local

Holafly and Sim Local are companies with years of experience specializing in travel eSIMs. Both have excellent reviews on platforms like Trustpilot, Tripadvisor, Facebook, and Google, and they’re known for offering high-quality products.

However, while both sell travel eSIMs, the products they offer are distinctly different. These differences are key and should guide your decision on which provider is the best fit for your needs.

Holafly Data Plans: What to Expect

Holafly is known for offering unlimited data in most countries, which is a big plus if you want to avoid using public networks, whether for security reasons or due to poor signal quality (some hotels have painfully slow internet).

With Holafly, you can use social media, make video calls, and watch movies or shows without limits—even while using public transportation. This is especially useful if you’re traveling between cities, whether by train, bus, or while waiting at the airport during layovers.

In many countries, Holafly offers flexible plans that let you pay only for the days you’re abroad. However, because they provide unlimited data, their plans are often as expensive—or even more expensive—than Sim Local’s options.

Lastly, Holafly allows data sharing in many destinations, but there’s usually a daily limit of 1GB or 500MB for sharing with other devices. This limit varies depending on the destination, so it’s a good idea to double-check the details before purchasing.

Holalfy  reviews in Trustpilot

Sim Local Data Plans: What to Expect

SimLocal offers fixed data packages, meaning you’ll have a set amount of data to use within a specific time frame. For example, you might get 10GB of data valid for 30 days. They also offer unlimited plans for some countries.

They have a great selection of packages with different data amounts, so you can easily find one that fits your budget and needs.

I recommend Sim Local in these situations:

  • If you want an affordable option to stay connected during your trip.
  • If you’re going on a long trip (their 30-day plans are very reasonably priced).
  • If you need to work while traveling and don’t want to rely on public networks. You can share data freely with your laptop without daily limits (but be sure to check the product details before buying).

Go back to the eSIM comparison chart

sim local reviews in Trustpilot

WHAT IS a Travel eSIM?

An eSIM is the digital version of the traditional plastic SIM card. Since it’s digital, you can download it directly to your phone, and it also lets you have multiple eSIMs installed at the same time.

This is really convenient when traveling because you won’t need to swap SIM cards, and you won’t lose your number. Plus, you’ll have internet access as soon as you arrive at your destination.

That said, not all devices are compatible with eSIMs, so it’s important to check if your phone supports them before trying to use one. Below, I’ll show you how to check if your phone is eSIM-compatible.

Is my phone eSIM COMPATIBLE?

You can easily check in your phone’s settings. If your phone supports eSIM, you should see an option like “Add Mobile Data Plan” or “Add eSIM” in your network settings.

You can also check if your phone is compatible by looking at this list of supported devices.


First, let’s go over the difference between installing and activating the eSIM.

  • INSTALLING the eSIM means linking and downloading it to your phone, but your data plan won’t be active yet. The installation process is quick and easy, and it’s best to do this before you travel.
  • When you’re ready to use your data, you’ll need to ACTIVATE your eSIM. Holafly recommends activating the eSIM during your flight or when you arrive at your destination. With Sim Local, you’ll want to check the plan you purchased to decide when to activate your eSIM.

Here’s how to do it with Holafly and Sim Local, along with links to their installation and activation guides.

How to Install and Activate Holafly’s eSIM

Just a reminder, you’ll need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network to install the eSIM.

After your purchase, Holafly will send you an email with a QR code to scan with your phone. If it’s easier for you, the email also includes a code that you can enter manually (no scanning needed). Either option works for installation.

Here’s a link with detailed step-by-step instructions for installing and activating the eSIM on Android (they use Samsung as an example, but it works for other phones too), and another link for installing and activating on an iPhone.

How to Install and Activate Sim Local’s eSIM

Make sure you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network during the installation.

With Sim Local, you can install the eSIM by scanning a QR code with your phone or by manually entering the provided code (no scanning needed). Either option works for installation.

Here’s a link with detailed, step-by-step instructions for installing and activating the eSIM on both Android and iPhone.

Can You SHARE Data?

Travel eSIMs let you share data with other devices, like phones, laptops, tablets, and more.

Each plan and country may have its own features. I recommend always checking if data sharing is available with the data plan you want to purchase.

Holafly: How to Check if Data Sharing Is Available

With Holafly, start by selecting the country or region you’ll be visiting. For this example, we’ve chosen the United States.

Next, go to the “Technical Specs” tab and look for “Hotspot” in the list.

In the case of the United States, you can share 1GB per day with other devices. Keep in mind this feature may differ depending on the destination you choose.

Go back to the eSIM comparison chart

share data with holafly travel esim

Sim Local: How to Check if Data Sharing Is Available

With Sim Local, start by selecting your destination. For this example, we’ll use the United States.

You’ll see a list of available data plans will appear. Choose the one you’re interested in.

Then, look for “Plan Details” and click on it.

The details for your selected plan will expand. Scroll down and check for the note that says Data tethering is allowed. This confirms that data sharing is supported.

Go back to the eSIM comparison chart

Overview of Additional Features

In the sections below, I’ll highlight some important eSIM features to keep in mind when selecting the data package that works best for you.

How to Top Up Data

Topping up your eSIM is a convenient option if you run out of data or decide to extend your stay in the country. Here’s how the process works with Holafly and Sim Local.

How to Top Up with Holafly

With Holafly, you can top up your eSIM without needing to install a new one, whether you have an unlimited or limited data plan.

To top up, you’ll need to wait until you’ve used 90% of your current data plan. Don’t worry—Holafly will automatically send you an email alert so you don’t forget to recharge.

You can top up directly on Holafly’s website, and the process takes no more than 5 minutes.

How to Top Up with Sim Local

Sim Local also allows top-ups, but the process depends on the plan you’ve chosen. If you need to recharge, you can contact their support team for guidance.

Go back to the eSIM comparison chart

How to Check Which Countries Are Included in the Data Plan

Region-based plans typically cover several nearby countries. Before purchasing a data plan, I recommend checking to make sure the countries you plan to visit are covered by the data package.

Holafly: How to Find the Countries Included in Their Plans

First, select the region or area you’re traveling to—in this case, we’ll use Europe as an example. Then, look for “Technical Specs” and you’ll see a list. Find the option labeled “Data Coverage,” which will show all the countries included in Holalfy‘s plan.

Go back to the pricing table by region

Sim Local: How to Find the Countries Included in Their Plans

Now, let’s see how to find this information with Sim Local. First, select the region you’ll be visiting— in this case, Europe.

You’ll then see all the available packages. Just choose the one that works for you.

On the next page, click on “Plan Details,” and the information will be displayed.

As you can see in the next image, a list of all the included countries will appear. There’s also a search icon, so you can type in the country you want to check.

Go back to the pricing table by region


Both Holafly and Sim Local allow refunds after purchasing an eSIM. This means you can buy your data plan with confidence, knowing you’ll get your money back if your plans change.

Holafly Refunds

Holafly gives you up to 6 months to request a refund. Here’s what’s covered:

  • Refund for service cancellation: If your plans change and you no longer need the Holafly eSIM, you’ll receive a full refund.
  • Refund for incompatible or locked devices: If you buy an eSIM and it’s not compatible with your device, you’ll get a full refund.
  • Refund for connectivity issues: If your eSIM doesn’t work due to a problem with Holafly or an unstable network in your destination, they may offer a partial or full refund.

To request a refund, simply reach out to Holafly’s customer service.

You can find more details about their refund policy by clicking on this link.

Sim Local Refunds

If you’ve purchased a Sim Local eSIM and haven’t activated it yet, you can return it for a full refund within 60 days of purchase.

The return process is simple and can be done directly on their website, with the refund being automatically processed.

If you’ve already activated your plan and encounter any issues with the eSIM, you’ll need to contact customer service.

For more details on Sim Local’s return policy, check the FAQ section at the bottom of the page through this link.

Go back to the eSIM comparison chart

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